The Images of the Holy Spirit in Scripture
May 3, 2022

Who is the Holy Spirit?
By: Joel Pledge
Series: Holy Spirit
"Who is the Holy Spirit?". The first in our series on the Holy Spirit. We are examining the Spirit as the third person of the trinity. We are designed to house the Spirit upon the earth.
- May 3, 2022Who is the Holy Spirit?May 3, 2022Who is the Holy Spirit?By: Joel PledgeSeries: Holy Spirit"Who is the Holy Spirit?". The first in our series on the Holy Spirit. We are examining the Spirit as the third person of the trinity. We are designed to house the Spirit upon the earth.
The Suffering and Glory of Jesus, A Study of 1 Peter
Sep 26, 2021

Giving Glory to God
By: Joel Pledge
Series: 1 Peter Study
"Giving Glory to God". What does it mean to live for the glory of God? Peter and Paul lived entirely different lives, yet both of them lived to bring glory and honor to God. How do you live?
- Sep 26, 2021Giving Glory to GodSep 26, 2021Giving Glory to GodBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"Giving Glory to God". What does it mean to live for the glory of God? Peter and Paul lived entirely different lives, yet both of them lived to bring glory and honor to God. How do you live?
- Sep 19, 2021Discovering Spiritual GiftsSep 19, 2021Discovering Spiritual GiftsBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"Discovering Spiritual Gifts". The Bible tells us to find our place in the body of Christ. We are a gift of the Holy Spirit, or we have a gift of the Holy Spirit. We are to serve the church through those gifts.
- Sep 12, 2021The End of the WorldSep 12, 2021The End of the WorldBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"The End of the World". Peter says the end of the world is soon. What does he mean? We seek to answer that question today and to be encouraged by the Bible's view of the end
- Aug 29, 2021The All Sufficient SacrificeAug 29, 2021The All Sufficient SacrificeBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"The All Sufficient Sacrifice". Jesus is the answer. Whatever we need from God, the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross meets that need.
- Aug 22, 2021Peace in an Anxious WorldAug 22, 2021Peace in an Anxious WorldBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"Peace in an Anxious World". Romans 5 reveals the past, present and future of our salvation. Peace with God is the first step in finding peace in this anxious world.
- Aug 15, 2021Enduring PersecutionAug 15, 2021Enduring PersecutionBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"Enduring Persecution". There are Christians who are suffering great oppression. We should pray for them and be prepared ourselves to endure. We examine the wisdom, the promise, and the proof of endurance.
- Aug 8, 2021The Top FiveAug 8, 2021The Top FiveBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"The Top Five". Peter instructs us on how to live and names the top five qualities he wants to find in the believer.
- Aug 1, 2021Living in Spiritual AgreementAug 1, 2021Living in Spiritual AgreementBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"Living in Spiritual Agreement". Marriage makes for powerful prayer partners. We are called to love and live in such a way that our prayers are powerful with God.
- Jul 25, 2021A Word About MarriageJul 25, 2021A Word About MarriageBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter Study"A Word About Marriage". Apostle Peter gives instructions for husbands and wives.
- Jul 18, 2021Fear of the LordJul 18, 2021Fear of the LordBy: Joel PledgeSeries: 1 Peter StudyWhat does it mean to "Fear the Lord". The Bible talks a lot about fearing God, and it reveals three basic ways in which we fear him. This message explores these three fears.
The Church in Ministry
Oct 20, 2021

I Speak Jesus Video
By: Joel Pledge
Series: The Church in Ministry
"The All Sufficient Sacrifice". Jesus is the answer. Whatever we need from God, the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross meets that need.
- Oct 20, 2021I Speak Jesus VideoOct 20, 2021I Speak Jesus VideoBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in Ministry"The All Sufficient Sacrifice". Jesus is the answer. Whatever we need from God, the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross meets that need.
- Oct 20, 2021Scars In Heaven Video
- Oct 20, 2021It is Well Video
- Aug 18, 2021The God We WorshipAug 18, 2021The God We WorshipBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in Ministry"The God We Worship". To worship God properly we must know who we are worshiping. This lesson looks at the names of God as the starting place for the worship of God.
- Aug 11, 2021Ministry Unto GodAug 11, 2021Ministry Unto GodBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in Ministry"Ministry Unto God". The church is called to worship God. This is the first priority and greatest privilege.
- Aug 4, 2021The Modern ChurchAug 4, 2021The Modern ChurchBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in Ministry"The Modern Church". We examine the church from the Reformation to modern times. A short summary of the spiritual gifts in operation during church history.
- Jul 28, 2021The Church of The Middle AgesJul 28, 2021The Church of The Middle AgesBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in MinistryThis is a short summary of the church in the Middle Ages, a church which has joined with the state and is in need of reformation.
- Jul 21, 2021A History of Acting For GodJul 21, 2021A History of Acting For GodBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in MinistryA short summary of the church from Pentecost until 600 AD.
- Jul 14, 2021How Do We Minister in the ChurchJul 14, 2021How Do We Minister in the ChurchBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in MinistryAs we study the call to minister we must look at our prime example of ministry in the person of Jesus Christ. We follow in his steps and continue his ministry upon the earth.
- Jul 7, 2021The Church in MinistryJul 7, 2021The Church in MinistryBy: Joel PledgeSeries: The Church in Ministry"The Church in Ministry". What is ministry? In the Bible ministry covered everything from raising kids, to making a meal to the preaching of the Word of God. We are all ministers!
The Cornerstone of Truth
May 20, 2021

The Millennium and Beyond
By: Joel Pledge
Series: Cornerstones of Truth
"The Millennium and Beyond". What happens when Jesus returns? /He will establish a kingdom in Israel with Jerusalem as its capital. After 1000 years Satan's final end will come and we will enter the new heaven and new earth and God will live with us forever.
- May 20, 2021The Millennium and BeyondMay 20, 2021The Millennium and BeyondBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"The Millennium and Beyond". What happens when Jesus returns? /He will establish a kingdom in Israel with Jerusalem as its capital. After 1000 years Satan's final end will come and we will enter the new heaven and new earth and God will live with us forever.
- May 14, 2021The King is ComingMay 14, 2021The King is ComingBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"The King is Coming". The Bible tells us that Jesus is coming to reign upon the earth. He will establish his kingdom on the earth, and we will serve him in that kingdom. Let's discover what the Bible says about Christ's return.
- May 5, 2021The Tribulation Part 2May 5, 2021The Tribulation Part 2By: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"The Tribulation Part 2". The Bible speaks of a "time of Jacob's trouble"; a time when God will again deal directly with Abraham's promised seed. It will be a time of great anguish for all the earth, and only those who trust in God will survive.
- May 4, 2021The Tribulation Period Part 1May 4, 2021The Tribulation Period Part 1By: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of TruthWe begin our study of the 7 year tribulation period, it is the last 7 years of human history as we know it. There is coming a time of great difficulty and change. God is calling all the world to repentance and life.
- Apr 21, 2021The Rapture of the ChurchApr 21, 2021The Rapture of the ChurchBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"The Rapture of the Church". Does the Bible teach about the rapture of the Church? Let's look at Scripture and discover this truth.
- Apr 8, 2021What is the Church Part 4Apr 8, 2021What is the Church Part 4By: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"What is the Church Part 4". Today we examine the purpose of the church. Our primary purpose is to worship God in spirit and in truth. Worship must flow from our relationship with him. True worship demands a true relationship with God just as a true relationship with God will result in true worship.
- Apr 8, 2021What is the Church Part 3Apr 8, 2021What is the Church Part 3By: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"What is the Church Part 3". There are many ideas of what the church is. Is it an organization or a religious institution? The church is the body of Christ, a representative of Jesus upon the earth.
- Mar 24, 2021What Is The Church? Part 2Mar 24, 2021What Is The Church? Part 2By: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"What is the church, part 2".When did the church begin? that is our question today. The book of Acts shows us the beginning and is for us the pattern and the promise for the church.
- Mar 18, 2021What is Church?Mar 18, 2021What is Church?By: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"What is Church?". Ask ten people and you will get ten different answers. We will look into the Bible for its definition of church.
- Mar 11, 2021The Authority of ScriptureMar 11, 2021The Authority of ScriptureBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Cornerstones of Truth"The Authority of Scripture". The Bible is the inspired Word of God. As his message to us it becomes a guide book for living our lives. It can be trusted.
A Survey of the New Testament
Jul 22, 2020

Times of Transition
By: Joel Pledge
Series: New Testament Survey
"Times of Transition". There are seven revelations of the glory of God in Scripture. This lesson looks at the transitions between each time period.
- Jul 22, 2020Times of TransitionJul 22, 2020Times of TransitionBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Times of Transition". There are seven revelations of the glory of God in Scripture. This lesson looks at the transitions between each time period.
- Jul 15, 2020Seven Scenes of GloryJul 15, 2020Seven Scenes of GloryBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Seven Scenes of Glory". God has revealed his glory in seven distinct ways. By examining the past revelations we can understand the future revelations.
- Jul 8, 2020Introduction to RevelationJul 8, 2020Introduction to RevelationBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to Revelation" gives a quick understanding of the background of the book and the style in which it is written
- Jul 1, 2020Introduction to the Epistles of JohnJul 1, 2020Introduction to the Epistles of JohnBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to the Epistles of John". These letters give to us the assurance of our salvation. If we know the truth, and abey the truth, and love one another then we will have eternal life.
- Jun 30, 2020Introduction to 2 Peter and JudeJun 30, 2020Introduction to 2 Peter and JudeBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to 2 Peter and Jude". These are two letters which attack the problem of false teachers in church. This is especially important as the church leadership ages. Peter mentions his coming death, so he is concerned that the church is filled with faithful teachers and has learned how to detect false teaching.
- Jun 17, 2020Introduction to HebrewsJun 17, 2020Introduction to HebrewsBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament SurveyJewish Christians were asking the question after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD-What do we do now that we can no longer sacrifice in Jerusalem? The letter to the Hebrews says that Jesus is the new high priest, who offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice. Now we can spiritually enter the very holy place by the blood of Jesus
- Jun 10, 2020Introduction to 1 PeterJun 10, 2020Introduction to 1 PeterBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament SurveyThis study of 1 Peter focuses upon the symbol of cross which the writer uses to explain our salvation and expectations in life.
- Jun 3, 2020Introduction to Timothy and TitusJun 3, 2020Introduction to Timothy and TitusBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to Timothy and Titus". We look into the lives of the two co-workers of Apostle Paul. We examine some of the key verses of each book
- May 27, 2020Introduction to Colossians PhilippiansMay 27, 2020Introduction to Colossians PhilippiansBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to Colossians and Philippians. Part of our New Testament Survey course.
- May 27, 2020Victory of the CrossMay 27, 2020Victory of the CrossBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament SurveyBible Study Extra: Apostle Paul uses a very descriptive word in describing the cross of Jesus Christ. In Colossians the emphasis upon the disarming of the enemy, and the public shame that they endured. Yet in 2 Corinthians the word is used to describe a triumphal procession. So putting the verses together we see that the cross was not a defeat fro Christ but rather a victory. In the spiritual realm he defeated every principality and power, and he rendered them powerless against himself. He reveals their weakness, by his resurrection. Death could not hold him. We walk and live in that victory. We are able to enforce that victory against the spiritual darkness that comes against us.
A study of the letter to the Galatians
Oct 6, 2020

The Coming King
By: Joel Pledge
Series: Galatians
"The Coming King". God is concerned with your life. He loves you and want you to be a part of his eternal kingdom. His primary concern then is not our comfort and ease, but in supplying for us a Savior. Jesus is the promised Messiah and Redeemer. He is God's greatest concern.
- Oct 6, 2020The Coming KingOct 6, 2020The Coming KingBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"The Coming King". God is concerned with your life. He loves you and want you to be a part of his eternal kingdom. His primary concern then is not our comfort and ease, but in supplying for us a Savior. Jesus is the promised Messiah and Redeemer. He is God's greatest concern.
- Oct 6, 2020The Coming KingOct 6, 2020The Coming KingBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"The Coming King". God is concerned about your life. He desires that you know him and that you spend eternity in fellowship with Him. In order to make this happen God is focused upon the Redeemer-the Christ who is to come.
- Oct 4, 2020The Coming TestOct 4, 2020The Coming TestBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"The Coming Test". America is facing a test of faith in preparation for the return of Christ. Are you ready? Will you be able to pass the test?
- Sep 28, 2020Guard Your HeartSep 28, 2020Guard Your HeartBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"Guard Your Heart". Does God talk to you? Do you hear and respond to what he is saying? Your response is determined by the condition of your heart. A pure heart is able to see and hear God.
- Sep 13, 2020Isaiah 6 What Do you See?Sep 13, 2020Isaiah 6 What Do you See?By: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians" What Do you See?" Isaiah was in a crisis, and he sought the Lord, and god revealed himself to Isaiah, in glory and holiness and in salvation.
- Sep 7, 2020Who Me?Sep 7, 2020Who Me?By: Joel PledgeSeries: GalatiansEvery believer is a new creation in Christ. A new creation has a new life source, can interact with its environment, and has a new ruler. Every believer who is a new creation will also bear the marks of Jesus.
- Aug 31, 2020Call to PrayerAug 31, 2020Call to PrayerBy: Joel PledgeSeries: GalatiansA Call To Prayer. Joel 2 makes a call for a time of prayer and fasting in the face of a locust plague in Israel. We too have a spiritual crisis and God calls us to a time of prayer and fasting.
- Aug 26, 2020Guiding PrincipleAug 26, 2020Guiding PrincipleBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"Guiding Principle". Paul only boasted in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. He never boasted in his works, his righteousness, his talents or abilities. The cross was his guiding principles
- Aug 18, 2020Bearing BurdensAug 18, 2020Bearing BurdensBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"Bearing Burdens". God calls us to share the burdens of life.
- Aug 11, 2020Reaping a Harvest With GodAug 11, 2020Reaping a Harvest With GodBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"Reaping a Harvest With God". How does that happen? We will examine the Exodus generation to gain an understanding of how reaping works in our lives.
May 10, 2020

Women of Valor
By: Joel Pledge
Series: Simple Commands
A Mother's Day message by Linda Pledge from CrossRoads Assembly of God
- May 10, 2020Women of ValorMay 10, 2020Women of ValorBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsA Mother's Day message by Linda Pledge from CrossRoads Assembly of God
- Sep 20, 2018Go!Sep 20, 2018Go!By: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsThe simple command of Jesus to GO! into all the world.
- Sep 20, 2018Let This MindSep 20, 2018Let This MindBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsThe simple command of Paul tells us to have the same attitude of Jesus--not so easy!
- Sep 20, 2018Don’t Grieve the Holy SpiritSep 20, 2018Don’t Grieve the Holy SpiritBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsA Simple Command which is so difficult to fulfill in our lives
- Sep 20, 2018The Big DinnerSep 20, 2018The Big DinnerBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsJesus visited Martha and Mary's house for "The Big Dinner".
- Sep 20, 2018Jesus Washes FeetSep 20, 2018Jesus Washes FeetBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsJohn 13 tells the story of how Jesus washed the disciples feet and called us to do the same.
Rise and Build- A Study of Nehemiah
Apr 6, 2021

Easter 2021
By: Joel Pledge
"Easter 2021". Does the response of the disciples to the trauma of the crucifixion give evidence of the resurrection?
- Apr 6, 2021Easter 2021Apr 6, 2021Easter 2021By: Joel Pledge"Easter 2021". Does the response of the disciples to the trauma of the crucifixion give evidence of the resurrection?
- Mar 9, 2021The Cost of Being the RemnantMar 9, 2021The Cost of Being the RemnantBy: Joel Pledge"The Cost of Being the Remnant". God is calling forth a remnant, a holy group of believers who will do his will and inherit his blessings. There is a cost. We must deal with the sin in our lives. God is ready to help us, but we must turn to him in this hour
- Mar 2, 2021The Call To DedicationMar 2, 2021The Call To DedicationBy: Joel Pledge"The Call To Dedication". After completing the wall around Jerusalem and installing new gates, Nehemiah calls for a dedication service. What does it mean to be dedicated to God? We will study Nehemiah 12 to find out.
- Feb 21, 2021Are You Holy?Feb 21, 2021Are You Holy?By: Joel Pledge"Are You Holy?". What do you think of when you hear the word "holy" ? Some think of an unattainable standard of living. Some think of religious hermits doing nothing except praying and reading the Bible. What does it really mean?
- Feb 14, 2021The CommitmentFeb 14, 2021The CommitmentBy: Joel Pledge"The Commitment". The people of God heard the Word of God and responded in repentance and prayer. Then they made a promise, signed an oath to obey God's law, or be cursed. What a commitment.
- Feb 10, 2021The Power of TestimonyFeb 10, 2021The Power of TestimonyBy: Joel Pledge"The Power of Testimony". The Jews heard the Word, and responded in prayer and repentance. Their testimony gives us hope, shows us what is important, and makes a call for commitment
- Feb 2, 2021The Joy of the FeastFeb 2, 2021The Joy of the FeastBy: Joel Pledge"The Joy of the Feast". Nehemiah called Israel to celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacle. Joy is possible for you. God fills us completely with the joy of our salvation.
- Jan 27, 2021The Joy of the LordJan 27, 2021The Joy of the LordBy: Joel Pledge"The Joy of the Lord". The most familiar verse of Nehemiah has to be chapter 8, verse 10-The joy of the Lord is Your strength. We talk about how this is fulfilled in our lives.
- Jan 20, 2021The God Who WorksJan 20, 2021The God Who WorksBy: Joel Pledge"The God Who Works". Though we go through difficult times we can be assured that God is at work in all things for our good. Nehemiah 8 shows us how God worked in the lives of the exiles to produce good for them and future generations.
- Jan 3, 2021Absence Makes the Heart…Jan 3, 2021Absence Makes the Heart…By: Joel Pledge"Absence Makes the Heart...". In some cases absence makes the heart grow fonder, in others, absence lets us know what we can live without. This year calls for a renewed commitment unto God and a reevaluation of our priorities.