I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We also have Youth and Kids Classes.
We envision that the love of God will create a biblical community of faith who will accept one another and are accepted, love others and are loved. We are called to be disciples who learn, serve and encourage one another in the faith.
“Anyone who is thirsty may come to Me!
Anyone who believes in my may come and drink!
For the Scriptures declare’Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'”
John 7:37a-38
Meet the CrossRoads leadership team
Pastors-Joel & Linda Pledge
Deann- Secretary
We ‘re glad that you have stopped by to learn what we’re all about. We hope you see our passion for Jesus and His gospel. He is the only reason that we do what we do — preaching, children’s ministry, outreach, and definitely our worship.
If you were to ask us to describe ourselves in one sentence, we would say, “We exist to make Jesus known.”
This mission causes us to live all of life for the glory of Jesus. We are a church focused on the teaching and preaching of the Bible which we consider the Word of God. The message of the Bible touches all of life, and it shapes the very way in which we live life together with our family, friends, city, and the rest of the world. We want to view and live all of life through the Word of God, which is the truth for all of us.
Where can God use your talents?
CrossRoads believes that God’s presence brings transformation and change to the heart of believers. Worship involves the music, the offerings and the preaching of the Word. A team is needed to prepare the way for the Lord to work. Come and be a part of the team.
Every Wednesday night CrossRoads send its “big Blue Bus” to pick up neighborhood kids for our kids ministries. Our desire is to love these kids into the kingdom of God. Jesus loved children, so we love children. It takes a lot of work, but it is a labor of love.
Sunday offers two opportunities to love children. First is School of the Bible at 9:00 am, then at 10:00 am Children’s Church minister to the hearts of children so they might know the love of Jesus. There are multiple opportunities to serve in these ministries.
CrossRoads has a number of different ministry opportunities in media/tech. We have the web site, sound system, audio and video recording of the services. We are always looking for those who are committed to excellence in ministry who want to share their gifts with the church.
Crossroads believes that advancing God’s Kingdom doesn’t come through new ways of doing church, but through the ancient way — faithful preaching and contextualizing the unchanging gospel within a changing culture. Crossroads teaches faith in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, as the only way to eternal life.
Email: churchoffice@cragonline.com
Pastor: Pastor Joel Pledge
Email: pastorjoel@mac.com
In case of emergency, call 731 616-7998
Here’s where you’ll find us